Truth #4: Create a Clear Message


A colleague shared with me that her daughter, a high school junior, is eagerly anticipating college life. When she started receiving college mail, it was super fun. She planned to save it all. But somewhere around mailing #47, her interest began to fade. Now, as she glances through the assortment every few days, some standout pieces are keepers, but most of it goes in a stack for mom.

And then there’s the email marketing. When she asked her daughter how much email she gets from colleges in a typical week, her answer was fuzzy. Maybe 30 messages. No, maybe 40. Maybe 50.

In an extremely busy world, we have to cut through the clutter to reach our intended audience. What’s the best way to do this? Create a clear message.

Know Your Narrative

What makes your school special? In Truth #2, we introduced the importance of having a strategic narrative that brings focus to your marketing efforts. Ultimately, it’s essential to answer the question: Why would a prospective student (or donor or community partner) choose my school?

As you develop your strategic narrative, you’ll consider: What do we want to be known for, and how can we lean into that? Why are we here, and where are we going?

Today’s most recognizable brands have identified clear answers to those questions, and they’re telling their stories with clarity and consistency. They are confident about who they are and where they’re going. The stories are concrete—specific and vivid, rather than vague and general.

Google proudly proclaims its mission to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Amazon has set out to be “Earth’s most customer-centric company, Earth’s best employer, and Earth’s safest place to work.”

Airbnb presents a heart-warming message: “Every day, Hosts offer unique stays and experiences that make it possible for guests to connect with communities in a more authentic way.”

As an institution of higher education, you have a distinct mission that transcends time (and executive leadership turnover). But have you tapped into this sense of purpose to create a clear message that sets you apart from the plethora of options for today’s students?

Campbellsville University has always been a place to “Find Your Calling.” The university has successfully championed this message for years but has kept the story fresh. When it’s time to update recruiting materials, marketing leaders simply put “a new twist on a trusted theme.”

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor also understands its story. The university wants students to know: “Your purpose is our promise.” Their most recent rebranding initiative captures the school’s energetic authenticity with the rallying cry, “Live Your Purpose.”

Personalize the Narrative

Each prospective student will have unique aspirations, interests, and concerns. The more you can offer to show how your story relates to theirs, the better your chances of capturing their attention.

For example, as you tell your story, introduce students to the professors they’ll be studying with. Go beyond the institutional bio and headshot—make it real! Our research almost always confirms one of top reasons students choose a small or mid-size school is because of the personal relationships with faculty.

Finally, there’s nothing like actual outcomes to prove your point and show prospective students how your institution can directly impact their lives. No doubt, your school has countless success stories of current students and alumni in your community. Find a systematic approach for sharing these stories and statistics in terms that are as specific as possible and that support your clearly defined message.

Your Message Matters

The bad news: Your message may be lost in the clutter of marketing message. 

The good news: You have a story that will resonate with your intended audience if you can get their attention.

The great news: By creating a clear message, you can cut through the clutter! 

Let’s make these truths part of your institution’s unique marketing strategies. Contact us to chat about how 5° Branding can partner with your team.

This is the fourth blog in our Higher Ed Marketing Truths series with 5° Senior Vice President Ryan Morabito, a veteran brand strategist who has worked with over 100 schools. These blogs are based on Ryan’s LinkedIn posts, which regularly inspire high engagement among education leaders and marketers. Click here to receive each blog in the series by email or bookmark our blog to check for updates!


Truth #5: Speed Wins


Truth #3: Tell Your Authentic Story