Introducing a New Series: Higher Ed Marketing Truths

with Brand Strategist Ryan Morabito


The concept of marketing too often feels like a mystery that can’t be solved or a mathematical formula that must be applied perfectly in order to produce the right outcome. But the fact of the matter is: it’s neither. Instead, marketing is a comprehensive approach to telling a brand’s story with creativity and clarity. 

Enter Ryan Morabito, Senior Advisor and Strategist at 5° Branding. A veteran higher education leader, Ryan has worked with over 100 schools to understand their markets and hone their messages. His LinkedIn posts featuring succinct, incisive truths about marketing in higher education have caught fire with thousands of followers. Ryan’s posts regularly lead to robust, ongoing discussions with education leaders, marketing executives, and communications experts. 

In this new blog series, Ryan will expand on the truths he has already shared in tip form. If his LinkedIn posts are Higher Ed Marketing 101, then consider this series the 201 course, empowering you to take a deeper look at effective brand principles while equipping you with accessible action steps. 

You won’t want to miss Ryan’s first blog (teaser: it’s going to help your marketing department save money!) coming up next week. Subscribe to receive each blog in the series by email or bookmark our blog to check for updates!


TRUTH #1: Know Your People